On Saturday, people across Richland County, getting a helping hand for their thanksgiving celebrations with the help of local organizations.

“I discovered the information while helping someone else, find some places to get some food for thanksgiving, and decided to come out and get one for myself,” said giveaway recipient, Rhonda Simpson

Rhonda Simpson came to the Crane Creek gym 8:30 am Saturday, in the long line of cars.

She was one of hundreds who showed up Saturday for a helping hand for the holidays.

“I thought it was a very wholesome activity, so whoever thought of this, keep doing what you’re doing,” said Jametta Favor, another person who waited.

The fourth and final give thanks giveaway drive-thru event was hosted by the Richland County Recreation Commission and several community partners.

The first 100 people to get in the drive thru, receiving a turkey and fresh produce.

“We actually got to feed over 400 families for the holidays for thanksgiving,” said Director of Development, Lisa Lewis.

“The produce was a complete surprise to those that arrived today. Fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy items so that they can not only replenish their own stockpile at home but also have something delicious that they can cook up for their families,” said Executive Director of the Latino Community Development Tanya Rodriguez-Hodges.

Organizers say they feel fortunate to offer a convenient option that helps families struggling to afford food on the table for the holiday season.

“It always warms your heart, especially during these times, when we know people need just a little bit of extra assistance,” said Tanya, one of the several community partners for the event.

“It allows us to bring resources right here to the community, where people live, and drive around the corner and get the things that they need,” said Gretchen Barron, another local partner.

The annual event having multiple giveaway locations to hand out turkey, produce, and shelf stable food on a first come first serve basis.

Throughout the month of December, the Richland County Recreation Commission is hosting a toy drive with locations throughout the county.